Candy's Peeps

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Unbeautiful World color it with Happiness


"A pedestal may be a very unreal thing. A pillory is a terrific reality. They should have known also how to interpret sorrow better. I have said that behind Sorrow there is always Sorrow. It were still wiser to say that behind sorrow there is always a soul. And to mock at a soul in pain is a dreadful thing. Unbeautiful are their lives who do it."                        Oscar Wilde 

The word Unbeautiful strikes my heart. Our World that is full of splendor and radiance has become stained with the crimson color of hate.

To this I grab my paintbrush. Do not worry World, I won't let you stay dingy and sport premature wrinkles. #yuck.

Dip into my bucket of Hope. A brilliant yellow color that I splash happily on rocks of sadness. 

I follow this color up with Imagine. A cheeky tangerine color that sparkles in the darkest hues of humanity. 

The World is not quite right yet. My paint pallet has Love, Compassion, and Friendship. Such a dazzling color, Friendship is. I use this turquoise color most freely to cover the sooty loathsome stains of Ignorance.

Highlight the World with a glittery glow of Unity. This gold colorant shines most brightly. I open an extra bottle of Unity and continue to blend, blend, blend. 

Who's this? Bob Ross has grabbed his paintbrush too. Already dipped in Optimism, a vibrant lime green color. He joins me in chasing away the sorrow and replaces it with the happiest trees one has ever seen. 

The World, my darling project is coming along now. It's beautiful, I can see it. 

There are still more colors that need to be added. More paintbrushes with hands to hold them, in painting the World anew. Please join me. It's much better to paint with a Friend when changing the World. 

#FabulousCandace #WorldProject #Love #Friendship #Unity #Hope #Imagine #Optimism #MorePaintNeed #GrabABrush 


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